10 slide powerpoint on the idea of conscience which is required as part of the curriculum for OCR A Level Religious Studies.
It covers Aquinas’ views of the conscience, Freud’s view of the conscience, Fromm’s view of the conscience.
It covers Freud’s views on psychosexual development.
It also contains some views from other scholars on conscience.
11 page powerpoint covering the Apophatic Argument, the Argument for Analogy (Aquinas) and Symbollic Language.
Includes strengths and weaknesses for each argument.
Includes a starter for defining key terms.
8 slides on the pluralism section of OCR A-Level Philosophy
The first slide contains what the specification says
What is Exclusivism -> Augustine and Exclusivism -> criticisms of Exclusivism
What is Inclusivism
What is Pluralism -> criticisms of Pluralism
8 slides on the section God’s Existence in the OCR A-Level spec.
Covers Nat Law & Aquinas
Covers Augustine & Barth and rationality being corrupted
Covers Sensus Divinatus & Calvin
References some other scholars.
I’d say this would be good for a ‘recap lesson’ rather than a whole lesson. I got through a 1hour lesson with it, though.
14 slides on Kantian Ethics.
The last few slides contain essay and exam advice about a specific question to Kant.
Covers his Formulations and Postulates, includes keywords.
Has an activity to apply to ethical dilemmas (SE, BE, Euthanasia).
I used this for a one hour one-one tuition session and didn’t get through everything so could probably stretch even further in a class of 30+.
2 Powerpoints but they cover more or less the same stuff
13 slides covering the Development in Christian Thought section The Afterlife.
What the Spec says
Physical Afterlife
Spiritual Afterlife
New Earth Theory
Hick and Purgatory
It has an examiner commentary at the end detailing what they’re looking for from an essay answer.